Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Work Has Started Again on Sweet Giordan! #amwriting

For those of you following the saga of Sweet Giordan, Please Remember you know that I requested my rights be returned to me from DSP so that I could turn the Hearts in Reverie Series into what I'd always envisioned: all colors of the rainbow!

I've started my edits / expansion of Hearts in Reverie #1: Sweet Giordan, Please Remember.

The original story *will not change*. You won't see wildly drastic plot shifts. Giordan won't suddenly be a rockstar with a drug problem who part-times as a nanny... But what you will see is "Y'all" spelled correctly ;) and Shane's PoV.

So's been an interesting experience getting into his head. He's a pretty damaged guy.

I don't have a deadline on when the story will be available for purchase again, but Beaten Track Publishing said 'Yes, absolutely' to publishing the series--so a venue is lined up.

More updates when I have them! Thank you for supporting me through this odd endeavor. :) I appreciate it!

--Raine O'Tierney


  1. Woohoo! That's exciting news! Your editor awaits, eagerly, rubbing hand and checking her inbox daily (at least once, twice. OK every half hour...). :)

    1. I took that break for Bird--but I think I want to dive back in :) Especially since you've been eagerly rubbing your hands for every half hour since August 20th! :D
